miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Graphics and Multimedia


Refers to any computer device or program that makes a computer capable of displaying and manipulating pictures. The term also refers to the images themselves. For example, laser printers and plotters are graphics devices because they permit the computer to output pictures. A graphics monitor is a display monitor that can display pictures. A graphics board (or graphics card) is a printed circuit board that, when installed in a computer, permits the computer to display pictures. 
Many software applications include graphics components. Such programs are said to support graphics. For example, certain word processors support graphics because they let you draw or import pictures. Some database management systems and spreadsheet programs support graphics because they let you display data in the form of graphs and charts. Such applications are often referred to as business graphics.

All computer graphics have their genesis within the computer's graphics card. This card is responsible for translating raw data into data that your eyes can make sense of. When stored within a computer hard drive, a digital photo is a series of bits in a particular order. When you click on an image or press "Play" on a video, the CPU sends that data to the graphics card for processing. Furthermore, the computer's display is not a solid screen. It is actually a collection of very small dots called pixels. The graphics card must determine how the image will relate to those pixels.



Multimedia uses computers to present text, audio, video, animation, interactive features, and still images in various ways and combinations made possible through the advancement of technology. By combining media and content, those interested in multimedia can take on and work with a variety of media forms to get their content across. This is an exciting new field for those interested in computers, technology, and creative career options. Multimedia can be accessed through computers or electronic devices and integrates the various forms together. One example of multimedia would be combining a website with video, audio, or text images.

Multimedia can literally be seen anywhere, from the Internet to Times Square. Huge digital billboards flash advertisements from the sides of roads, and informative websites display visual ads alongside their content. More and more, people absorb visual information from graphics that were created with computers. Computer graphics-driven multimedia is used in education, and is the driving force behind the video game industry. The movie industry, as well, benefits from advancements in computer graphics technology. As the state of the art in computer graphics continues to advance, new applications will be put into practice.

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